From July, 2022 through September 2023, Bernice Davidson and a team of community artists transformed a vintage fire truck into a homage to the psychedelic Rolls Royce of Beatle John Lennon.
It can be viewed in person when you visit The Farm Community. It is located adjacent to the main road (Farm Road) about 1.5 miles from the entrance and Welcome Center.

A few of the artists on the team
Xandra Deptula, Krista Ferngully, Bernice Davidson, Janet McIntyre

Bernice devised the initial concept and design, and supervised the entire project.

She’s Leaving Home – artist Bernice Davidson
The teapot represents the people of Great Britain and the music they gave to the world.

She’s Leaving Home – the painting after a rain

Here Comes the Sun – using 3D modeling clay, artist Bernice Davidson

Give Peace a Chance – John and Yoko, artist Bernice Davidson

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds – Janet McIntyre
A homage to Farm whippoorwills – Janet McIntyre

Yellow Submarine – Dakota Summers
A tribute to the Elephant Sanctuary of Lewis County – artist Deborah Devoursney

A homage to The Farm’s Big Pickup, created by cutting the back off a school bus. – Roger Kanies
Tree of Life – Pamela Hunt
Bird of Heart – Lily Rorhbach

Cartoon Beatles – Krista Ferngully
Beatles old time Firemen – Elizabeth Barger

Colorful flowers – artist Shelly Barger

Yoko in profile – Bernice Davidson
Sunset by Xandra Deptula