Location:Lew Lew’s Gift Shop, 300 Bennett Dr
Pulaski, Tennessee 38478-5230
Sponsored by: Mary Ann & Owen Lewter
Brother Mack Pinkelton was born on a farm in Giles County.
He preached his first sermon at age 15.
During his 61 years of ministry, he married about 5000 couples and buried about that many people.
He was beloved by all.

Notes from Bernice:
In working on this painting, I got to know Brother Mack Pinkelton through his biography, “Have Bible, Will Travel” by Johnny Phelps, and by interviewing 6 people in the community who knew him.
Everyone I spoke to said the same thing, that Brother Mack was truly a blessed and compassionate man.
As I painted I strived to imbue his features with loving kindness.

While painting I could feel him speaking to me “Ms. Bernice, do you pray while you paint?”
“No I don’t pray while I paint, I have to think about the placement of the figures, colors and the choices of shapes.”
But the question persisted. About half way through the painting I figured out that it was possible to paint and pray at the same time.

It took 125 hours to complete this piece and in that time I can truly say I got to know Brother Mack Pinkelton and came to love him just as much the people of Giles County, whom he served. |